Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Is lifestyle sustainable on earth right now?

     At the moment life is abundant and sustainable on earth. We have an efficient source of energy, and an abundance of food and resources for the human race. But that is only at the moment of 2014, who knows what will happen in 2024 when fossile fuel runs out and our major source of energy, transportation is gone. Will our human race give up what we possess? or will we go into a chaotic battlefield with one another. Resources will run out on earth and when it does, our population may go down. In today's age, the human race's backbone is fossile fuel, without fossile fuel, we cannot run tractors to create food efficiently, we cannot operate trucks to transport food, nor can we burn fossile fuel for energy. Petroleum Engineers recently have been trying to calculate the amount of Fossile fuel around the world today so we can prepare and figure out ways that we can generate energy, and run cars, and also production lines.
     Life is currently sustainable on earth because we have a large amount of petroleum that we can use. Can you imagine a world in which we do not have petroleum? Our currently lifestyle is all based on Petroleum, because everything we use is a petroleum product. The t-shirt you are wearing right now is a petroleum produce since petroleum shipped it from one place to another, and petroleum is what runs the production line. The device you are reading this on is a petroleum produce because the energy that powers your device is generated by burning petroleum. Although Petroleum has a sustainable for many years before. But its bound to run out soon. So our life style right now is not so sustainable if we can find new ways to live, generate resources, and transportation.

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