Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Human footprint on earth

     A lot of us don't realize the amount of materials and resources need to raise a human being. Even when we are a three year old baby, we have already used a lot of resources from the Earth. We humans take a lot more resources now than ever before. As the earth grows in population, the demands for more food, luxury, and also daily items grows with that number. And every time get those resources, we created and generate waste. The plastic wrappings that comes with it, or the metal box that comes along with it. These are not necessary, but the human's eyes tends to require and think that these wrappings and extra luxury is necessary when it actually isn't. An average american family will enough plastic bottles and container to fill an entire class room. These are our human footprint that we leave behind every time we buy, create, and throw away plastic waste. In a life time, we drink enough water to fill multiple olympic swimming pools, require enough shampoo to fill a kiddy pool, and generate enough plastic to build a building the height of the empire state building. Efforts have been done to try to reduce a human's footprint by using biodegradable material such as paper instead of plastic. But no matter how much we try, we will always use a lot of the earth's resources, and one day those resources will run out and humanity will just have to figure it out from there.

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