What is natural selection in the first place? Well natural selection is when an organism adapts to their environment and tend to produce more offspring. Natural selection isn't one subject, it is separated into three different types of Natural Selections. They are directional selection, disruptive selection, and also stabilizing selection. These three differently types of natural selection all have different characteristics of how new babies are born within a population.
The first type being Stabilizing selection. Stabilizing selection is when natural selection work against the two extremes of a trait to make the population for similar and more controlled. An example of this can be the weight of a human baby at birth. We all want to keep the baby at a intermediate weight since baby born too heavy and too light maybe be unhealthy in many ways.
The second types of natural selection being directional selection. This is when the selection work work with the extreme, not against it like stabilizing selection. Directional selection works with the extreme to select one trait. Such as in flowers and plants, the brightest flowers may be selection just so that during its life time it can contract the most pollinators.
The third types of natural selection is disruptive selection. This is when the selection disagree with the mean of the population. It goes against the means of the population. For example, there are only two types of seeds as a food source for a bird population. the bird can have two different types of beak. And neither of them are good or as effective as an average sized beak so, this would be an example of disruptive selection since neither traits would be as effective or support survival than one that isn't available to them.
These are the three types of natural selection. This applies to many of the population of species that lives on earth and how their traits are selected. This supports genetics and also evolution.
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