Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Three types of Natural Selection

     What is natural selection in the first place? Well natural selection is when an organism adapts to their environment and tend to produce more offspring. Natural selection isn't one subject, it is separated into three different types of Natural Selections. They are directional selection, disruptive selection, and also stabilizing selection. These three differently types of natural selection all have different characteristics of how new babies are born within a population.
     The first type being Stabilizing selection. Stabilizing selection is when natural selection work against the two extremes of a trait to make the population for similar and more controlled. An example of this can be the weight of a human baby at birth. We all want to keep the baby at a intermediate weight since baby born too heavy and too light maybe be unhealthy in many ways.
     The second types of natural selection being directional selection. This is when the selection work work with the extreme, not against it like stabilizing selection. Directional selection works with the extreme to select one trait. Such as in flowers and plants, the brightest flowers may be selection just so that during its life time it can contract the most pollinators.
     The third types of natural selection is disruptive selection. This is when the selection disagree with the mean of the population.  It goes against the means of the population.  For example, there are only two types of seeds as a food source for a bird population. the bird can have two different types of beak. And neither of them are good or as effective as an average sized beak so, this would be an example of disruptive selection since neither traits would be as effective or support survival than one that isn't available to them.
     These are the three types of natural selection. This applies to many of the population of species that lives on earth and how their traits are selected. This supports genetics and also evolution.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Natural History Museum Extra Credit

     Over the weekends, I went to the Natural History Museum. The natural history museum was very fascinating, we were able to see fossils, artifacts, gems, models of animals and many more. I was able to learn a lot just by reading the signs on each type of mammals and species.
     My favorite part of the museum is the dinosaurs exhibit, it was quite amusing seeing something that big. It was really cool when it explained how they were able to rebuild the entire fossiles bone by bone.
     Then we went to the African mammals, there we were able to recognize many mammals in their ecosystem and their environments. There was many animals there all adding upb into a community such as the elephants and giraffe being in the same ecosystem.
     We then saw the artifacts that was discovered, we saw many artifacts from stone swords to stone spear heads and even some bowls.
     All in all, I was able to learn a lot from this trip, being able to see something in real life from the things we learned in the text book was a completely different experience. It was really fun to be there.

Monday, April 21, 2014

LA Zoo Extra Credit

     Being the first time I went to the LA Zoo, I didn't know where most of the animals were. But when the entered through the gates, the first aquatic organisms we were able to see was the alligator. But when we entered deeper into the Zoo, we saw the aviary, we saw many birds, and these birds have various wing and beak sizes meaning that they evolved due to their needs of needing a big beak or needing more lift from their wings.
     Then we moved onto to look at all the other amazing animals that the Zoo had to offer, we saw all the animals in their cages. The cages they were in had plants and other things that represent what the ecosystem is like from the place these animals came from. Some of them represented the Jungles of South America, and others represented the deserts of Western North America.
     As I made my way to Australia area, I saw Kangaroos. I was told that kangaroos are one of the few land mammals on earth that can drink sea water. They have developed a strong enough liver to be able to digest and break down the salty bacteria filled sea water. This is a proof of evolution due to surroundings since these kangaroos lived in seashores where clean water was rare. They were forced to drink sea water and eventually they grew and got used to the sea water and was strong enough to digest it.
     We then learned that most Kangaroos and Wallabies are not endangered. We then started to wonder how can Kangaroos be only in Australia but still be able to thrive their population. As we thought about it, we came to a conclusion that it could be the way some kangaroos breed. We saw something that told us that Kangaroos can start to breed few hours after giving birth, which is something that really allows the population to thrive and keep going. Since Australia is so big, these kangaroos will hardly reach the population limit.
   I have learned a lot from seeing these animals, it sure is different from seeing it in the text book, so this was an interesting and fun experience.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Conversation between Mendel, Darwin, and Lamarck

     In a world where different people thinks differently and have different opinion. It is hard to setting on a conclusion of what exactly happen. Gregor Mendel believes in genetics and Darwin and Lamarck believes in the theory of evolution. However these two topics can be related to each other quite easily.
It doesn't take much to imagine a conversation between these three scientists.

Mendel: I think i have finally found a connection between evolution and genetics!
Darwin: Oh really, would you like to share what it is?
Mendel: Well, according to your theories on evolution, parents are suppose to have the same traits as their kids and if the parents have gone through mutation, then doesn't that mean the mutation gets passed onto their offspring and that offspring have the mutation of the parents.
Lamarck: Are you try to say that, if a parents have gone through a mutation in their genes, which changes and therefore evolves them, then their children will have that change or mutation since the parents have gone through it.
Mendel: Yes! couldn't have said it better myself.
Darwin: But how does this mutation in Genes have effect on evolution ?
Mendel: Well if a parents pass on a mutated gene, then their children will have that mutation which changes them, and if the mutation offspring have children then the children will have that mutation and it goes on and on.
Lamarck: and then eventually a portion of that population will have that mutation therefore having evolution.
Darwin: Wow, thats ... really really good.
Mendel: I know, My genius is ... almost frightening .

Thursday, April 10, 2014


Extinction is when a speies of organism is wiped off of our earth. But many of us don't want that, we want to save these endangered speices from going extinct. Among popular beliefs that we must save these mammals, extinction is a natural cycle of evolution. Extinction helps other species grow and evolve by allow up more space for another spcies. Without the extinction of dinosaurs, we would not be on the face of the earth today due to the fact that the dinosaurs would have eaten all the mammals we have evolved from. So having an extinct species would not be too bad, if one species dies, then another one can flourish with life and future evolution, who knows what that future evolution would be. Maybe it can finally be a species of bears that can understand languages and talk human languages. So Extinction may be a sad thing toward the earth, but it brings new chance of evolution from other animals

Should Creationism be taught along side of Evolution in school

There are many types of creationism in the word today. To me, creationism seems more like a religion rather than a science topic. What creationism basically say is that the world is directly created by God and that we didn't evolve but rather created from his image. From my point of view, I think that creationism can be taught in school as a choice. I think creationism can be taught along side of evolution in school and we ourselves as students and human beings should decide which one we want to believe and which one we choose to live with. However this can also be a draw back since, the main type of creationism directly negates the scientific explainination of evolution. But many have been able to link these two topics in a subject called Evolution creationism. In some states creationism is taught at school, but not all. As much as I like to think that humans evolve from prehistoric mammals, it would be nice to have a change to see and learn how the others feel about where we came from. So yes, i think creationism should be taught in school.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Evo Weblabs, Exploring Evolution

In this weblab, I will explore the line of evidence that scientists use to reconstruct the evolution time line in all the organisms we see today. Whales were believed to be evolved from mammals like humans, and my hypothesis is that Whales evolved from mammals due to DNA evidence. However as i continued my experiment, i found out that whales actually evolved from a group of even toed animals. meaning that my hypothesis was wrong. The idea that whales actually evolved from an even toed mammal is support by DNA evidence, anatomy evidence, and also fossile evidence found by scientists. Their skeletal shape is more similar to an even toed mammal than it is to a human.

Evo Weblabs, Natural Selection

In natural selections, I have decided to do an experiments on birds. What I have been told was that birds, or all organisms for that matter, evolve based on adaptation. Meaning they evolve to adapt which basically means that they evolve into organisms that help them survive. Birds with big beaks can crack seeds, but birds with smaller beaks and eat worms inside of the trees. However, after running the experiment many time with different inputs, I can come to a conclusion that having a small beak will not guarantee survival, where as having large beak will guarantee survival on the planet. What eventually does happen is that the birds with larger beak will have a larger population where was the birds with the smaller beaks will evolve into birds with larger beaks.

Experiment 1:

Experiment 2: