Wednesday, February 26, 2014


     What is bioengineering? Or Biological Engineering? The term biological engineering means that using the concept and knowledge of engineering and apply for Biology and only for biology. It is often confused with Biomedical Engineering where, the knowledge is only for medical uses. This confusion is also similar to how people get confused with computer engineering and computer science.
     Biological Engineering is the studying and solving life problem related to living organism. But bioengineers had been making Genetically modifying our food. Genetically modified organisms also known as GMO, are basically bioengineer's creation. What and how GMO works is that GMO are organisms that have had their DNA changed for a positive reason. Genetically modifying an organism to being either to grow faster, have a better shape, or maybe even have a better taste.
     With the amount of organisms and food that we eat daily that are GMO, biological engineers have yet to find the side effects to eating GMO, we do not know if there are any lethal side effect to these GMO organisms. With the unsure, the FDA have still been allowing these Genetically modified organisms to be sold to citizens with the hopes that it will not cause diseases.
     With these, I strongly believe that GMO organisms should be stopped until these biological engineer find the answer to whither or not these will cause side effects. If they insisted to feed genetically modified organisms, they should at least tell the citizens that the food they are eating are genetically modified.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Letter to Gregor Mendel

Dear Gregor Mendel,

     I am quit amazed at your discover of traits that can be passed on from parents to offsprings. Luckily, in the years that follow, many scientist have found out relations from DNA, to your experiment of traits or as you like to call them factors. As you might know, traits are passed onto their children by the parent's genes with is contained within the chromosomes. These chromosomes are then inside of DNA, the DNA's double Helix allows everyone's DNA to be different even from parents to offspring.
With this discovery of how DNA is related to gene which controls the trait that will be expressed on a person's face, your discovery of factors being passed on from parents to offspring is related to DNA by the fact that genes that control the trait belongs in DNA. Your discovery have lead these other amazing people to make discoveries and let us humans have a better understanding of who we are and where we came from.


Bryan Kwong