Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Dominant and Recessive Allele

     Well what are Alleles? They are basically genes that determine traits. Still don't understand? it is the thingy that lets you have different color hair or different color eyes, and maybe even your skin color.
     This is not a complicated concept ... sort of. There are two types of Alleles, Dominant and recessive. A dominant alleles is basically, well, dominant. It will only require one of your parent to have a specific trait for their children to have that trait. But a recessive is complete different, requires both of your parents to have that trait in order for the children to have the trait. So this is why some traits are more rare than other. 
     For example, a couple have a children. The father has brown eyes(BB) and the Mother has blue eyes(bb). Since brown is a dominate trait and blue is recessive, there is only a 25% chance for their children to get get blue eyes according to the punnett square. The reason for that is that the dominant trait does not need both letters to be capital in order to gain that trait, rather only one. However even though that the allele for the blue eyes is still in the children, but the dominant trait is the one that shows.

If Animals could regenerate like Planarians

     Planarians are non parasitic flat worms. They are very unique because they they are similar to starfish, they can regenerate a missing part in their body. These worms are able to get sliced in half, and regenerate into two living organism, also like a cell's division.
     This ability to regenerate a missing body part is amazing because if this was the case for all animals, then extinction is no longer a word that we would use in our dictionary. This would effect the ecosystem dramatically because, animals would be over populated due to the fact that they cannot die from the loss of an arm, where as if they weren't able to regenerate, they would just lie on the ground and wait for death. However, this does not apply to all animals because, if these regeneration abilities can be apply to extant, but almost extinct animals, this would be fantastic because these species of animals are able to keep on living on this earth.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Child Reproduction

"Mommy where do babies come from?" one of the most feared question of parenting. Well little Timmy, here is how the cookie crumbles. It all starts off with a mommy and daddy who love each other very much, and they have a special night where ... well you don't want to know. Then the sperm and the egg join together to form a new cell in a process called fertilization. Then these cells go through Mitosis, where the cell that went through fertilization divides into 2 other cells and then eventually have so many cell that it forms a human body. Since the new born Baby is actually made up of billions of the cell that was fertilized, the baby and the parents may have the same traits, and these traits can be anything from the eye color to their lips shape. These traits are carried from the parents to the baby through genes, A sequence of DNA that determine and passes on a certain trait from parent to offspring. And this is how a baby is made, simple enough?

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Genetic disease that runs in my family

I am not sure if having really bad eye vision is a genetic disease. Everyone in my family has bad vision. My uncle, he doesn't even have a computer or television at his house and his is extremely near sided. All of my uncles, aunt and even my dad needs to wear glasses, all of them have different profession so doing a job that is vision intensive is not a variable of why all of us need to have glasses. One of my uncle is a ship builder, another one is a bus driver and another one is an IT specialist. even my half brother's son has glasses. Since some of my relatives are born with our eyes a little bit near sided .

Should we have a community like Gattaca?

No i believe that we should not have a community like Gattaca. A person's possibility of being successful is depended whether or not they choose to work hard or not. It should not be depended upon a person's genes. This is close to racism since a person is born a specific race and they can't change that, and so is a person's Genetic. If we have a community like Gattaca, most people wouldn't be happy with their lives since they cannot be in the professsion they want to be working in. If a person is born to be a dentist, then why can't they be a teacher? The person can be a teacher if they work hard enough to achieve it, and also if they steal someone else's identity.

Should we know our own Genome?

In my point of view, yes we should know our Genome. Knowing our own Genome may be very important to us, when we can know our risk of a certain genetic disease so that we can take early precaution to these diseases. Knowing our own Genome may also be important, since we could have a chance of passing this genetic disease off to our offspring when we don't even know we had the disease or that we could've been a carrier. So i believe that knowing our own Genome is very important due to the fact that knowing that we might be at risk for a genetic disease or maybe even the fact that we could pass it off to our offspring

Career: Genetic Counseling

     Genetic counseling is a career in which the counselor calculates a person's probability of passing an inherit disease onto another person. They can also figure out the probability of a person developing it and or passing it off to their offspring.
     The working condition for Genetic counselors are fairly simple. This profession keeps expanding since more and more people will be wanting to seek a counselor before they have a child. As more people have a better understanding of genetic diseases and knowledge of basic science, more counselors will be wanted in the future.
     The Training to be a Genetic counselor isn't simple, it will take six years in school but the annual pay is quite rewarding coming in at around $68,000 per year.
     These genetic counselors will have to help the couple undergo a series of genetic test to determine the risk for certain diseases. These diseases may be passed on to their offspring at a certain percentage based on the mother and the father's genetic.
